Sharmas Kitchen

Can you have yoghurt during winter?

Though yoghurt is a part of diet almost all over the Indian subcontinent, there are still a few aspects of this wonder product people don’t know about. For example, there are a lot of questions especially if it should be consumed during the winter season. Even though it is considered immensely beneficial for health, a lot of people tend to avoid it. Studies show that it doesn’t have to be the case. You can limit yoghurt intake if you have respiratory ailments and have it for lunch rather than dinner. But if you enjoy normal health, your intake of yoghurt should be as usual. There are many reasons for it:

Yoghurt has vitamins and protein

Yoghurt is a storehouse of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and protein. Lactobacillus helps keep away the harmful bacteria and infections from the body. As a fermented food, Yoghurt is loaded with vitamin C, which is excellent for treatment of cold and cough. However, it is best to consume Yoghurt as soon as it sets and not refrigerate it for later.

Aids digestion

Yoghurt helps to maintain the pH balance in the body which prevents acidity, and better digestion.

Helps maintain healthy skin

Yoghurt has a moisturising effect on your skin and it heals dry skin naturally. A lot of people suffer from acne due to certain gastrointestinal problems. Yoghurt helps in maintaining a happy and active gut which leads to healthy skin. It is an excellent beauty ingredient for face packs too, the lactic acid in yoghurt acts as an exfoliator and clears dead cells and blemishes.

Strengthens bones

The cold weather can lead to bone issues in many people. A daily dose of calcium not only helps in maintaining bone density but also strengthen them. Yoghurt is low in fat and calories and thus, may also help in keeping your weight in check.